Writing Pages

Docus is made to let you write all your content in Markdown and Vue components with the MDC syntax.

Each Markdown pages in the content/ folder will be mapped to a route.

FileGenerated route
✨ If You want to use a sub route for example /docs as main content directory you need setup two steps.
  1. Create subfolder in content directory for example content/docs
  2. Add content/docs in stand app config
export default defineAppConfig({
  stand: {
    contentRoot: 'docs', // default is 'null'


Docus supports multiple Front-matter attributes for pages.

title: "Get Started"
description: "Let's learn how to use my amazing module."
layoutstringfalseUse any layout name like you would in definePageMeta()
titlestringDefines the page title and H1 in docs pages
descriptionstringDefines the page description and excerpt in docs pages
redirectstringA route path to redirect
imageobjectOpenGraph cover image
Docs layout options
fluidbooleanfalseToggles the visibility navigation,contents,surround
asidebooleantrueToggles the visibility of aside navigation
tocbooleantrueToggles the visibility of table of contents
surroundbooleantrueToggle the visibility of table of surround (Prev,Next)
Navigation options
navigationbooleanToggles the visibility of the page or directory in navigation
navigation.titlestringChanges the name of the page or directory in navigation
navigation.iconstringChanges the icon of the page or directory in navigation